

I must have seen five different articles on the Iranian Oil Bourse over the past week or so. I have probably seen a hundred posts over the last year that the war in Iraq was because Hussein was going to price oil in Euros. These articles all make for sensational headlines but it is all nonsense. Perhaps we went to war in Iraq with intention of stealing their oil, but we sure did not go to war over pricing.

Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback

America monopolizes the oil trade
The Bush administration will never allow the Iranian government to open an oil exchange (bourse) that trades petroleum in euros. If that were to happen, hundreds of billions of dollars would come flooding back to the United States crushing the greenback and destroying the economy. This is why Bush and Co. are planning to lead the nation to war against Iran. It is straightforward defense of the current global system and the continuing dominance of the reserve currency, the dollar.


Buffett warns of trouble

The Globe and Mail:
“Right now, the rest of the world owns $3-trillion more of us than we own of them,” Mr. Buffett told business students and faculty Tuesday at the University of Nevada, Reno. “In my view, it will create political turmoil at some point .... Pretty soon, I think there will be a big adjustment,” he said without elaborating.

The approaching war with Iran: Part II

The approaching war with Iran: Part II
If you get your news from the Big Five, the global media conglomeration of Time Warner, The Walt Disney Company, Bertelsmann AG, Viacom, and News Corporation, which when combined control approximately 90% of the world’s headlines, than there is little doubt that you have been adequately primed with stories regarding Iran’s nuclear power ambitions and the threat that such ambitions represent to the United States.


The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse

Jan 17, 2006 The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse, Krassimir Petrov
Economically speaking, in order for an empire to initiate and conduct a war, its benefits must outweigh its military and social costs. Benefits from Iraqi oil fields are hardly worth the long-term, multi-year military cost. Instead, Bush must have went into Iraq to defend his Empire. Indeed, this is the case: two months after the United States invaded Iraq, the Oil for Food Program was terminated, the Iraqi Euro accounts were switched back to dollars, and oil was sold once again only for U.S. dollars.


Piratpartiet - Argumenten


I begynnelsen var ordet. Och det var inte upphovsrättsskyddat. Redan de gamla Grekerna, Romarna, druiderna, Babylonierna ... ni förstår. Alla uppmuntrade till informationsspridning, utom vad gäller rena statshemligheter. Pytagoras patenterade inte sin sats, utan han basunerade ut den från hustaken. Archimedes sprang omkring naken och skrek ut sin lycka när inspirationen svämmade över. De ville bli erkända som upphovsmän, men de hade inga som helst ekonomiska rättigheter till sina verk. Barderna turnerade med sina sånger och när de mötte en annan bard bytte de låtar med varandra - en slags primitiv fildelning. Och alla drog nytta av det. Om Auld Lang Syne hade varit upphovsrättsskyddad när den skrevs så hade miljontals engelsmän stått tysta och fåniga på nyårsafton. Under medeltiden kopierades böcker friskt i rena sweatshopsen, fast alla hade munkjackor.


Dagens ETC
Kan man verkligen jämställa alla typer av patent? Är läkemedelspatent detsamma som upphovsrätt på exempelvis musik?
– Nu är ju upphovsrätt och patent två olika mekanismer; det ena är monopol på kultur, det andra på kunskap. Just vad det gäller läkemedelsbolagen och deras sätt att agera kring patent med mera, som du tar upp som exempel, så finns det andra som har skrivit hyllmetrar med allmän upprördhet. Det faktum att flera länder gått ut publikt och sagt att de bara tänker strunta i läkemedelföretagens patent är sensationellt nog i den frågan.


China's Secret Metal

China's Secret Metal
I sometimes refer to palladium as "China's secret metal"
because Chinese consumption of this rare metal has soared
in recent years.

Venezuela claims US embargo

Venezuela claims US embargo
Brazil has supported claims by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez that the USA is blocking the sale of Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano counter-insurgency aircraft to the Venezuelan air force, writes Graham Warwick.

Teheran to the United Nations Security Council for pursuing a civilian nuclear energy programme in defiance of Washington's diktats

Teheran to the United Nations Security Council for pursuing a civilian nuclear energy programme in defiance of Washington's diktats
IN THE next few weeks, the Manmohan Singh Government will face its second major test on the Iranian nuclear front. For the United States and its European allies appear determined to refer Teheran to the United Nations Security Council for pursuing a civilian nuclear energy programme in defiance of Washington's diktats. The provocation for the latest western hysteria is Iran's decision to conduct research experiments on uranium conversion and other aspects of the civilian nuclear fuel cycle. These experiments are taking place in facilities that are fully safeguarded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Moreover, these activities are in no way prohibited under either the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) or Iran's Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, published by the Agency as Infcirc 214.

Article 4 of Infcirc 214 states: "The safeguards provided for in this Agreement shall be implemented in a manner designed: (a) To avoid hampering the economic and technological development of Iran or international co-operation in the field of peaceful nuclear activities, including international exchange of nuclear material; (b) To avoid undue interference in Iran's peaceful nuclear activities, and in particular in the operation of facilities; ... "

The approaching war with Iran

The approaching war with Iran: Part I
In November 2000, Iraq stopped accepting U.S. dollars for its oil. Counted as a purely political move, Saddam Hussein switched the currency required to purchase Iraqi oil to the euro. Selling oil through the U.N. Oil for Food Program, Iraq converted all of its U.S. dollars in its U.N. account to the euro. Shortly thereafter, Iraq converted $10 billion in its U.N. reserve fund to the euro. By the end of 2000, Iraq had abandoned the U.S. dollar completely.

The countdown to war with Iran

The countdown to war with Iran

Media-Hype; Beating the War Drums, Again

The media has assumed its traditional role of fanning the flames for war by providing ample space for the spurious allegations of administration officials, right-wing pundits, and disgruntled Iranian exiles, while carefully omitting the relevant facts in Iran's defense.

Greenspan was once a close friend of gold

That gold has a sense of humor is beyond question. We hear it laughing every time Alan Greenspan opens his mouth. You'll recall that Mr. Greenspan was once a close friend of gold. The two were practically bosom buddies. Greenspan wrote that gold was indispensable to an honest money system. Of course, that was before he came to head up the largest and most cocksure central bank in history. Since then, he's hardly had time for his old pal. He has new friends in very high places.

Åldringsvården är ett medialt apspel

Åldringsvården är ett medialt apspel
Jan Myrdal: EU hindrar en vettig vård av våra gamla

Ge mig ett svartjobb!

Ge mig ett svartjobb!
1. Arbetsgivare anställer inte äldre, det är för dyrt på grund avpensionsavsättningarna.
2. Mindre företag vågar inte nyanställa.
3. Jag anses som överkvalificerad.
4. Min erfarenhet och kunnande behövs inte.

Arbetslös och förnedrad

Arbetslös och förnedrad
Gräsroten är inte en pingpongboll som man kan slå fram och tillbaka ett par gånger strax före ett val och sedan lägga undan någonstans mörkt när de väl vunnit.

Ska skatten gå till militärplan?

Ska skatten gå till militärplan?
Frankrike betalar mest och svenska skattebetalare är näst största partner.....Frankrike har kärnvapen....

SvD: Regeringen storsatsar på nytt stridsflygplan

SvD: Regeringen storsatsar på nytt stridsflygplan
Idag beslutar regeringen att satsa 750 miljoner kronor på utvecklingen av ett nytt obemannat stridsflygplan. Men planet behövs inte, hävdar flera riksdagspartier, som också är kritiska till att regeringen fattar beslutet på egen hand.

Franska Kärnvapen på...

Tidskriften Analys


Förvisso är det högst troligt att om projektet blir framgångsrikt så kommer Frankrike att utrusta ett osynligt bombplan med kärnvapen. Men redan idag går det att bestycka JAS-planet och andra franska stridsplan med kärnvapen.

..bombplan med NATO?

Ny Teknik

Om vi nu har en lagstiftning som säger att vi inte får exportera vapen till länder som är i krig hur kan det det då pågå helt öppet....

Ovan tår att läsa om SAABs affär med US Army....

Obemannat svenskt sammmarbete med Frankrike
..bombplan med NATO?