
Democracy in the USA....

Was the USA election rigged?
Did they manipulate the voting machines?


Supermassive black hole

The average density of a supermassive black hole can be very low, and may actually be lower than the density of water. This is because the Schwarzschild radius is directly proportional to mass, such that density is inversely proportional to the square of the mass.


Israel's Plan For A Military Strike On Iran

"It does not clarify that Israel's own large nuclear arsenal was secretly developed and is entirely unmonitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency, or that it is perceived as a threat by its neighbours and may be fuelling a Middle East arms race."


Liza Marklund: Nya m förvillande likt gamla

"Det enda svar jag kan komma på är att Reinfeldt i hemlighet tycker precis som Cecilia Stegö Chilò: Att alla bidrag till konst, teater, museer och litteratur borde avskaffas. Att SVT skulle må bäst av att läggas ner och Sveriges radio av att säljas ut."


DMI - Lyn

DMI - Lyn: "De seneste 7 døgns lyn"


911 - 7 World Trade Implosion

Rarely seen footage of World Trade Center 7 collapsing in the manner which is consistent with Implosion, controlled demolition.

Upside Down World - Not For Sale: El Salvador's Movement Against Water Privatization

"Who Wants Privatization?

Since the early 1990’s the international financial institutions (IFIs), like the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), have encouraged the privatization of water systems throughout Latin America through 'Structural Adjustment' loans. The IFI’s require governments to open water management to private investment as a condition for receiving loan money, which is usually destined toward infrastructure repair or new construction.

The IDB stopped using the word 'privatization' after the Cochabomba, Bolivia disturbances in 2000. In that conflict over water privatization, tens of thousands marched until the local government annulled a water management concession with a subsidiary of the US-based Bechtel corporation. Today, the IDB prefers terms like 'concessions' and 'decentralization,' or 'private sector participation.' But critics say whatever the euphemism, the result is the same privatization.

The US-based consumer watchdog Public Citizen reports that the IDB and World Bank together administer about 133 different water and sewage-related projects, funded to the tune of $9.7 billion. The majority of these projects are in Africa and Latin America, while most of them include some type of 'hydro-sector reform.'"


ZNet Venezuela | Hugo Chavez

"You'd think George Bush would get down on his knees and kiss Hugo Chavez's behind."

Greider – din fåfänga gör dig feg

"Den folkliga litteraturens fanbärare är ofta hycklande falska och överpösigt jättetrötta.
De svingar sina falska spön i arbetarklassens namn.
De borde avgå.
Men de bevakar sitt territorium med en gränspolis noggrannhet.
De låtsas indignerade och anfaller lite halvmätt från vänster."


Havana’s medics work around the world: Cuba exports health

"Havana’s medics work around the world: Cuba exports health Print E-mail
By Hernando Calvo Ospina - www.mondediplo.com
Thursday, 24 August 2006

Some 14,000 Cuban doctors now give free treatment to Venezuela's poor and 3,000 Cuban medical staff worked in the aftermath of last year's Kashmir earthquake. Cuba has plans to heal those poorer than itself.

When Hurricane Katrina ripped through the southern United States in August 2005, the authorities were overwhelmed and the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, appealed to the international community for emergency medical aid. The Cuban government immediately offered assistance to New Orleans and to the states of Mississippi and Alabama, also affected by the storm, and promised that within 48 hours 1,600 doctors, trained to deal with such catastrophes, would arrive with all the necessary equipment plus 36 tonnes of medical supplies. This offer, and another made directly to President George Bush, went unanswered. In the catastrophe at least 1,800 people, most of them poor, died for lack of aid and treatment."

Hands Off Venezuela

Blowing up people in Venezuela....what is going on?

What would the reaction be if we produced a game where we invade The United States of Love and kill Americans?

Hands Off Venezuela!!

"E3 2006: Build Update -- World in Flames
We gleefully blow up an oil platform off the Venezuelan coast.
by Jeff Haynes

May 11, 2006 - We made a stop by the Pandemic booth to check up on any updated changes to Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and the improvements were rather dramatic. For one, the entire demo that we saw just a few weeks ago had been completely ripped apart and rebuilt, which we were told was possible thanks to the component system of the engine."

Net's Vulnerability Exposed


"October 28, 2002 (Computerworld) -- Last week's assault on the Internet's core addressing system may not have caused much real damage, but it highlights the Internet's vulnerability to more sophisticated cyberattacks in the future, security analysts warned.

All 13 of the Internet's root Domain Name System servers—three of which are located outside the U.S.—were victims of a massive distributed denial-of-service attack on Oct. 21.

'It was the single most elaborate and focused attack on the DNS network that we have ever seen,' said Tom Ohlsson, vice president of Matrix NetSystems Inc., an Austin, Texas-based Internet performance monitoring company.

The attack appears to have been an attempt to disrupt the Internet by clogging root DNS servers with useless traffic. The root DNS servers provide the vital translation services needed for converting a Web name such as www.computerworld.com into a corresponding numerical IP address. "

Local content Filtering Procedure

"Local content Filtering Procedure

All incoming Web traffic to the Kingdom passes through a proxy farm system implementing a content filtering software. A list of addresses for banned sites is maintained by this filtering system. This list is updated daily based on the content filtering policy."

Mumbai police gag hinduunity.org

"Mumbai police gag hinduunity.org

Priya Ganapati in Mumbai | May 26, 2004 18:21 IST
Last Updated: May 27, 2004 18:53 IST

Key Internet service providers, including Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited, India's largest ISP with more than 800,000 subscribers, have blocked access to a web site, www.hinduunity.org

The web site is run by a Hindu activist from the US, Rohit Vyasmaan, and logs about 17,000 hits a day.

The site has been blocked on the basis of a request from the Mumbai police commissioner's office in a letter sent out to ISPs on April 28.

Sources at the Mumbai police commissioner's office said the directive was issued because the web site published inflammatory material against Islam. Joint Commissioner of Police (crime) Dr Satyapal Singh, a decorated officer of the Indian Police Service, authorised the note."

svt.se - Nyheter

"Talibansk gerilla har erövrat den Nato-ledda Isaf-styrkans högkvarter i ett distrikt i provinsen Farah i västra Afghanistan, uppger BBC."

Gulf Times – Qatar - Afghan governor dies in suicide bomb attack

"KANDAHAR: Nato and Afghan troops killed 94 Taliban rebels in a major insurgent stronghold in southern Afghanistan while a respected provincial governor died in a suicide blast yesterday, officials said. The violence underscored the precarious situation in Afghanistan on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks - the atrocity that prompted the toppling of the fundamentalist Taliban."

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Better paid, better armed, better connected - Taliban rise again

Declan Walsh in Ghazni
Saturday September 16, 2006
The Guardian

Reedi Gul is probably dead now. Two weeks ago masked gunmen abducted the 24-year-old on a lonely mountain road in central Afghanistan. The next day his father, Saleh Gul, received a phone call, and realised he was the real target.

'I am an Afghan Muslim Talib,' the voice announced. 'If you want to see your son alive, listen carefully.'

Three weeks earlier Saleh Gul had been appointed governor of an insurgent-infested district in Ghazni province. The Taliban demanded he quit his job, pay a ransom, attack US forces and assassinate local officials.

Mr Gul paid $2,000 and resigned his position, but refused to kill. 'I am not a terrorist,' he barked down the phone. So the Taliban added an impossible demand: the freedom of an imprisoned commander."


Så blev vi alla borgare

"Att rösta mot en borgerlig regering handlar om att bryta en trend av förborgerligande av oss alla. Det är ett rent självförsvar."

Johan Ehrenberg

Vem ska då utmana Makten?

"En Fredrik Reinfeldt vid makten innebär att den marknadsmakt som redan i dag är den makt som verkligen uppreser sig mot vanligt folk, så att säga dubbleras. Den förstärks. Två eliter, den ekonomiska och den nya politiska, flyter åter samman."



Amnesty International Campaign


"Database of censored material

Amnesty International is working with the OpenNet Initiative (ONI) to help raise awareness of internet censorship around the world."


En utrikespolitik utan ansvar

"Den nya fråga som då infinner sig är hur EU bestämmer sin utrikespolitik - på detta område och andra - och det korta svaret på den frågan är att det vet vi inte och får heller inget veta. De överläggningar på regeringschefsnivå mellan EU:s medlemsländer där argument formuleras, positioner möts, makt utövas och beslut fattas, äger rum bakom stängda dörrar. Vi vet kort sagt inte vilket lands regeringschef som argumenterat för vad och varför, inte heller vilka påtryckningar som utövats av vem mot vem, inte heller vilken roll USA spelat i sammanhanget och naturligtvis inte heller i vad mån Sveriges regeringschef Göran Persson försökt påverka beslutet - och i så fall hur. "

Göran Rosenborg


Socialdemokraterna polisanmäler Folkpartiet för dataintrång

Sveriges Watergate!!??

"Med hjälp av IT-säkerhetsföretaget Sentor har Socialdemokraterna upptäckt ett stort antal otillåtna inloggningar på partiets interna nätverk. IP-adresser har spårats till Folkpartiet, det uppger Dagens Industri."


Dismembering the body politic in Iraq

"The US is seen as the main instigator of sectarian sentiments, creating the right environment for the division of Iraq into sectarian and ethnic states unable to function without US protection."

Aljazeera.Net - Iraq wants more control over security

"Mohammed al-Askari, spokesman for Iraq's defence ministry, said the government would take its time until an agreement was reached.

'We need more time regarding these discussions. There are some articles that need more discussions with the Americans. We don't want to be rushed into making these decisions. Our points of view are not identical.'"

Iran backs UN Lebanon truce

"Annan said Ahmadinejad had agreed in the talks in Tehran that Iran, which backs the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, would do everything to support the territorial integrity and independence of Lebanon.

'Tehran will work together with us in a collective effort to reconstruct Lebanon,' he said.

State radio quoted Ahmadinejad as saying that Israel and its allies Britain and the US should compensate Lebanon for the 'damages inflicted'."


UN: Israeli cluster bombs 'immoral'

"What's shocking and I would say completely immoral is that 90 per cent of the cluster bomb strikes occurred in the last 72 hours of the conflict when we knew there would be a resolution, when we knew there would be an end.

Egelund said that the UN had assessed 'nearly 85 per cent of bombed areas in south Lebanon' and identified '359 separate cluster bomb strike locations that are contaminated with as many 100,000 unexploded bomblets'."


USAID: Transition Initiatives: Venezuela Field Report for April-June 2006

"The antagonistic relationship between the U.S. Government (USG) and the Government of Venezuela (GoV) is a challenge for operations in Venezuela. The primary objective in this environment is to develop projects that bring together supporters of the opposition whose constant public discourse brands anything to do with the U.S. as malevolent and anti-Venezuelan. As an example, part of the official government electoral strategy for the December presidential election calls for government supporters to publicly label those in the opposition as 'bushistas.'

President Chavez continues to rail against the 'Empire' for its 'invasion plans' and 'assassination plots,' all of which the Embassy vigorously denies. Visits by the U.S. Ambassador to the inauguration of new USAID-supported project sites in Caracas and the interior are frequently accompanied by crowds of protestors. The projects, however, are well-received by the community and community leaders - those not prodded by the government -- who often request additional USAID projects in the neglected neighborhoods in Venezuela."

USAID from the American people...

"Transition Initiatives

The USAID Office of Transition Initiatives supports U.S. foreign policy objectives by helping local partners advance peace and democracy in priority countries in crisis. Seizing critical windows of opportunity, OTI works on the ground to provide fast, flexible, short-term assistance targeted at key political transition and stabilization needs."

Guardian Unlimited: US accused of bid to oust Chávez with secret funds

"The US government has been accused of trying to undermine the Chávez government in Venezuela by funding anonymous groups via its main international aid agency.

Millions of dollars have been provided in a 'pro-democracy programme' that Chávez supporters claim is a covert attempt to bankroll an opposition to defeat the government.

The money is being provided by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) through its Office of Transition Initiatives. The row follows the recent announcement that the US had made $80m (£42m) available for groups seeking to bring about change in Cuba, whose leader, Fidel Castro, is a close ally of Mr Chávez."


Aljazeera.Net - The great Coca-Cola controversy

"Aljazeera.net: What were the high pesticides residues present in the cola products? Are they fatal to human consumption?

Shachi Chaturvedi: We tested 57 samples collected from across India (12 states, accounting for some 30% of the country's bottling plants), and found pesticide residues that were 22-24 times above the levels in all the samples. We found Lindane, Chlorpyrifos, Malathion and Heptachlor.

The bottles were tested using a methodology which, three years ago, was examined and endorsed by the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC).

Moreover, the presence of pesticide residues was additionally confirmed with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and all its spectra confirm pesticide residues.

Pesticides are used to kill pests, and contain extremely toxic elements. They get into our food chain and keep bio-accumulating in our body over a long period of time. A host of studies done across the world have pointed to the link between pesticides and diseases such as cancer, neurological disorders, foetal problems etc."

Aljazeera.Net - Ahmadinejad offers Bush TV debate

"The Iranian president has challenged his US counterpart to a live television debate.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made the offer to George Bush on Tuesday. Thursday is the deadline set by the UN Security Council for Iran to suspend all uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities, and Iran faces possible sanctions if it fails to comply."


Aftonbladet: SKI undersökte atomlarm i Ryssland

"Ett av de största problemen i Kola-verket är avsaknaden av skalskydd. Det finns ingen inkapsling som skyddar om en härdsmälta skulle inträffa och radioaktivt material skulle snabbt spridas till omgivningen."

Ett nytt Tjernobyl??


electronic intifada: Israeli Apartheid: The striking parallels to South Africa

"Citizens of the eleventh class, really not citizens at all, have no rights citizens of the first class or their government are bound to respect. Their residence is forbidden in nearly nine-tenths of the country, all of which they used to own. The areas left to them are cut up into smaller and smaller portions weekly, by high walls, free fire zones and hundreds of checkpoints manned by the army of the first class citizens, so that none can travel a dozen miles in any direction to work, school, shopping, a job, a farm, a business or a hospital without several long waits, humiliating searches and often arbitrary denials of the right to pass or to return."


ZNet American Economy ...its great weakness

American Economy: "Prof. Niall Ferguson of the Harvard University compares the US economy to a dinosaur whose bulk once shook the ground. Yet, it disappeared from the face because of its inner problems. Like it, “the US economy is mind-bogglingly enormous—two and a half times as big as the next largest economy in the world and almost as large as that of the six other members of the Group of Seven combined. The catch is that it has to consume almost incessantly to sustain its great heft.” This reveals its great weakness and the inherent seed of its likely collapse at some future date."


Aftonbladet: Lena Sundström: Det har aldrig kommit blod

"Nyheten om att det inte finns någon mödomshinna är inget annat än en sensationell världsnyhet. Borde inte ha varit något annat än en sensationell världsnyhet.
Breaking news.
Hymen does not exist!
Skicka in Lennart Nilsson med en kamera och sprid bilderna över hela jordklotet."

Venezuela Information Office

"As the world’s fifth-largest oil producer, Venezuela has long been a country of contrasts. Despite its great wealth, 80 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty. To address this injustice, the state-owned oil company has increased annual spending on social programs from 40 million to 1.7 billion dollars. For the first time, many Venezuelans have access to education, job training, housing, and health care. "

The Nation: Neocon Dreams, American Nightmares

"To borrow from both Beyoncé and Yogi Berra, it really is déjà vu all over again. Roughly four years, 2,600 American deaths, $1 trillion and one murderous civil war ago, the same William Kristol predicted that a US invasion of Iraq would inspire 'the principles of liberty and justice in the Islamic world.' Richard Perle, his comrade in armchair warfare, suggested that the impending US invasion would 'transform the thinking of people around the world about the potential for democracy, even in Arab countries."

" Four wars simultaneously? Led by this crew? After what we've seen in Iraq and Afghanistan? Is it me, or are the people who run this country dangerously out of their minds?"

Eric Alterman
The Nation

Offutt, Buffett, and 9/11: Strange Coincidences

By Mary Louise

"The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska' by John W. DeCamp, attorney and former Nebraska senator, is an investigation of satanic sexual abuse, ritual murders, pedophile rings, child pornography and prostitution, kidnapping, and money-laundering. It involves top Washington D.C. politicians, savings and loan executives, and media cover-ups. This book is dedicated to the author's dear friend, Bill Colby, former head of the CIA (before Bush), who died under very mysterious circumstances in 1996.

The Franklin Credit Union scandal centered in Omaha opens a window into the hellish world of child abuse and organized drug trafficking patronized and protected by powerful figures in politics and business. This awful but true story is about the abuse of positions of public trust, the Cover-up by institutions of government, and the abhorrent conduct and Cover-up by some of our wealthiest citizens. The unfinished business of the Franklin investigation is not only a matter involving children from Nebraska, but the lives of untold numbers of children everywhere. "

electronic intifada: Israel's Foreign Ministry provides Free Internet Tool to online activists

"Dear friends,

Many of us recognize the importance of the Internet as the new battleground for Israel's image. It's time to do it better, and coordinate our on-line efforts on behalf of Israel. An Israeli software company have developed a free, safe and useful tool for us - the Internet Megaphone.

Please go to www.giyus.org, download the Megaphone, and you will receive daily updates with instant links to important internet polls, problematic articles that require a talk back, etc.

We need 100,000 Megaphone users to make a difference. So, please distribute this mail to all Israel's supporters.

Do it now. For Israel.

Amir Gissin

Director Public Affairs (Hasbara) Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem"

Aljazeera.Net - Church body condemns Israel

"De Clermont said Hezbollah was a scapegoat.

'It is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and not the role and actions of Hezbollah that is at the heart of the present crisis,' the council's statement said."

Aftonbladet: Den starkes fred

"Men Israels krig har onekligen lönat sig: någon annan får bevaka, någon annan får betala, och motståndaren avväpnas.
Det är den starkes fred, skapad på marken, välsignad av FN.

Petter Larsson"


Aftonbladet: Var sjätte laptop paj efter 1 år

Aftonbladet: Var sjätte laptop paj efter 1 år

'KOLLA OM DEN ÄR STABIL' It-chefen Claes Dahlberg på Acando i Göteborg tipsar datorköpare om hur de ska minska risken för fel på sin nya dator. 'Kontrollera att den känns stabil innan du köper den'.
'Om bilar hade byggts lika illa hade vi stått inför en katastrof'"

Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers - Times Online

"WHILE Israel fights Hezbollah with tanks and aircraft, its supporters are campaigning on the internet."

In the past week nearly 5,000 members of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) have downloaded special “megaphone” software that alerts them to anti-Israeli chatrooms or internet polls to enable them to post contrary viewpoints. A student team in Jerusalem combs the web in a host of different languages to flag the sites so that those who have signed up can influence an opinion survey or the course of a debate.

New Scientist: GM plant has escaped into the wild

"It is the first time a GM (Genetically Modified) plant has escaped into the wild in the US, and it has managed it before securing USDA approval. The plant, creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera, carries a bacterial gene that makes it immune to the potent herbicide glyphosate, better known as Roundup. The manufacturer, The Scotts Company, Marysville, Ohio, is hoping the grass will provide a turf that makes it easier for golf course owners to manage their fairways and greens by letting them kill competing weedy grasses with glyphosate."


Aljazeera.Net - British Muslims criticise profiling

"What you are suggesting is that we should have a new offence in this country called 'travelling whilst Asian'

Ali Desai, a British Muslim chief superintendent"

Azerbaijan and Armenia both claim Nagorno-Karabakh

Forgotten war threatens to reignite
by Scott Taylor
Friday 04 August 2006 5:13 AM GMT

Hardening positions on the future status of the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region between Armenia and Azerbaijan threaten to reignite an ancient conflict."

The Naion: Fear and Smear

"An evil symbiosis does exist between Muslim terrorists and American politicians, but it is not the one Republicans describe."

The jihadists need George W. Bush to sustain their cause. His bloody crusade in the Middle East bolsters their accusation that America is out to destroy Islam. The president has unwittingly made himself the lead recruiter of willing young martyrs.

More to the point, it is equally true that Bush desperately needs the terrorists. They are his last frail hope for political survival. They divert public attention, at least momentarily, from his disastrous war in Iraq and his shameful abuses of the Constitution. The "news" of terror--whether real or fantasized--reduces American politics to its most primitive impulses, the realm of fear-and-smear where George Bush is at his best.


electronic intifada : Time to Reopen the Palestine File at the UN? Not Yet!

"Most Arabs, Palestinians included, have vied for years to snatch the Palestine question away from U.S.-Israeli clenching claws and return it to where it formally started: the United Nations. From their perspective, so long as the U.S. is allowed to control '99% of the cards,' as the late Egyptian president Anwar Sadat notoriously believed, there is no chance for a just and enduring peace."

Hizbullah accepts UN ceasefire deal

Posted: 12-08-2006 , 15:30 GMT

Nasrallah claimed some aspects of Security Council Resolution 1701 are unjust and Hizbullah has reservations on a few of its articles. These will be presented by Hizbullah ministers during the Lebanese cabinet discussion on the matter, he noted.

Nasrallah stressed that as long as Israel is occupying Lebanese land Hizbullah will keep fighting in accordance with its commitment to the “April Understanding,” a 1996 agreement to end cross-border attacks on civilian targets.

© 2006 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)"

Jewish Voice for Peace

"Opposed to Bombing Civilians? Sign Jewish Call to Action Petition"
Urge the U.S. to put a stop to the attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. Show the world there is a principled Jewish voice that opposes the collective punishment of an entire people.

It's time for Jewish dissenters to challenge Israeli policies

"Current U.S.-backed cease-fire proposals are so unfair to Lebanon that the Lebanese government has already indicated it cannot accept the terms, which do not even include a full Israeli withdrawal.

This one-sided U.S. policy is the result of a combination of factors, but it thrives on the myth that all American Jews stand uncritically behind the Israeli government.

Israeli intransigence has made Israel a pariah state, and is the biggest enemy of all the people of the Middle East -- Arabs and Israelis alike"

On Israel, Lebanon and Palestine

ZNet |Israel/Palestine | On Israel, Lebanon and Palestine
"On Israel, Lebanon and Palestine
Noam Chomsky interviewed by
Kaveh Afrasiabi"

When did Nasrallah assume a leadership role? Answer: When the Rabin government escalated its crimes in Lebanon, murdering Sheikh Abbas Mussawi and his wife and child with missiles fired from a US helicopter. Nasrallah was chosen as his successor. Only one of innumerable cases. There is, after all, a good reason why last February, 70% of Lebanese called for the capture of Israeli soldiers for prisoner exchange.


Varför ska vi betala för Israels terror!!

Aftonbladet: Kriget i siffror - hittills: "Totalt har Israel nu förstört libanesisk infrastruktur för mer än 16 miljarder kronor. Göran Persson vill sammankalla en stor internationell konferens där Sverige och de andra EU-länderna enas om att betala för det Israel har bombat, precis som EU hittills har betalt förstörd infrastruktur på palestinskt område."

Det Israel har förstört det får väl Israel betala....


What Can Israel Achieve?

ZNet Israel Palestine
"What the Israeli governments do not realize is that neither Hamas nor Hezbollah need Israel. It is Israel that needs them, and needs them desperately. If Israel wants not to become a Crusader state that is in the end extinguished, it is only Hamas and Hezbollah that can guarantee the survival of Israel. It is only when Israel is able to come to terms with them, as the deeply-rooted spokespersons of Palestinian and Arab nationalism, that Israel can live in peace."

by Immanuel Wallerstein

Israel, Hands off Palestine!!

INTERNATIONAL PRESS CENTER: "Desperate Residents Lament Humanitarian Catastrophe Due To Embargo"

Apartheid Wall in Israel


The wall in Palestine built by the expanding Israel resembles the way the Jews were rounded up in ghettoes in Europe during the facist regimes during the 30's-40's in Europe.

Israeli Occupation Government Kidnaps Speaker of Palestinian Parliament

Israel, Hands off Palestine!!

PM Haniyeh: Al-Duwaik's Kidnapping a Crime of Piracy

Palestinian Parliament Speaker Dweik Arrested

Israel, Hands off Palestine!

Palestinian Parliament Speaker Dweik Arrested: "Palestinian Parliament Speaker Dweik Arrested
Hisham Abu Taha, Arab News"

"On June 29, Israeli forces in the West Bank rounded up dozens of Hamas officials, including eight Cabinet ministers. One was released earlier this week."

Israel arrests Hamas lawmaker : HindustanTimes.com

Israel arrests Hamas lawmaker : HindustanTimes.com: "Israel arrests Hamas lawmaker

Agence France Presse

Ramallah, August 7, 2006"


Israeli UN Resolution Hypocrisy

ZNet |Israel/Palestine | US - Israeli UN Resolution Hypocrisy:
Two nations stand out above all others as notorious serial abusers of
UN resolutions - the US and Israel.


USA, Hands off Venezuela

USA, Hands off Venezuela!!

Washington’s hostile policy towards the government of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez gains increasingly worrying momentum. In a recent document, the Pentagon called the “resurgence of authoritarian and populist movement in some countries like Venezuela [a] source of political and economic instability”. Such a statement is even more worrying, since the US Defence Department hardly ever cites countries in its strategic study (Quarterly Defence Review), published every four years; that department only limits itself to address general tendencies [1].


Bin Laden denies involvment in 9-11 attack on USA


"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle.

Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United Sates? That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks."



I must have seen five different articles on the Iranian Oil Bourse over the past week or so. I have probably seen a hundred posts over the last year that the war in Iraq was because Hussein was going to price oil in Euros. These articles all make for sensational headlines but it is all nonsense. Perhaps we went to war in Iraq with intention of stealing their oil, but we sure did not go to war over pricing.

Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback

America monopolizes the oil trade
The Bush administration will never allow the Iranian government to open an oil exchange (bourse) that trades petroleum in euros. If that were to happen, hundreds of billions of dollars would come flooding back to the United States crushing the greenback and destroying the economy. This is why Bush and Co. are planning to lead the nation to war against Iran. It is straightforward defense of the current global system and the continuing dominance of the reserve currency, the dollar.


Buffett warns of trouble

The Globe and Mail:
“Right now, the rest of the world owns $3-trillion more of us than we own of them,” Mr. Buffett told business students and faculty Tuesday at the University of Nevada, Reno. “In my view, it will create political turmoil at some point .... Pretty soon, I think there will be a big adjustment,” he said without elaborating.

The approaching war with Iran: Part II

The approaching war with Iran: Part II
If you get your news from the Big Five, the global media conglomeration of Time Warner, The Walt Disney Company, Bertelsmann AG, Viacom, and News Corporation, which when combined control approximately 90% of the world’s headlines, than there is little doubt that you have been adequately primed with stories regarding Iran’s nuclear power ambitions and the threat that such ambitions represent to the United States.


The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse

Jan 17, 2006 The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse, Krassimir Petrov
Economically speaking, in order for an empire to initiate and conduct a war, its benefits must outweigh its military and social costs. Benefits from Iraqi oil fields are hardly worth the long-term, multi-year military cost. Instead, Bush must have went into Iraq to defend his Empire. Indeed, this is the case: two months after the United States invaded Iraq, the Oil for Food Program was terminated, the Iraqi Euro accounts were switched back to dollars, and oil was sold once again only for U.S. dollars.


Piratpartiet - Argumenten


I begynnelsen var ordet. Och det var inte upphovsrättsskyddat. Redan de gamla Grekerna, Romarna, druiderna, Babylonierna ... ni förstår. Alla uppmuntrade till informationsspridning, utom vad gäller rena statshemligheter. Pytagoras patenterade inte sin sats, utan han basunerade ut den från hustaken. Archimedes sprang omkring naken och skrek ut sin lycka när inspirationen svämmade över. De ville bli erkända som upphovsmän, men de hade inga som helst ekonomiska rättigheter till sina verk. Barderna turnerade med sina sånger och när de mötte en annan bard bytte de låtar med varandra - en slags primitiv fildelning. Och alla drog nytta av det. Om Auld Lang Syne hade varit upphovsrättsskyddad när den skrevs så hade miljontals engelsmän stått tysta och fåniga på nyårsafton. Under medeltiden kopierades böcker friskt i rena sweatshopsen, fast alla hade munkjackor.


Dagens ETC
Kan man verkligen jämställa alla typer av patent? Är läkemedelspatent detsamma som upphovsrätt på exempelvis musik?
– Nu är ju upphovsrätt och patent två olika mekanismer; det ena är monopol på kultur, det andra på kunskap. Just vad det gäller läkemedelsbolagen och deras sätt att agera kring patent med mera, som du tar upp som exempel, så finns det andra som har skrivit hyllmetrar med allmän upprördhet. Det faktum att flera länder gått ut publikt och sagt att de bara tänker strunta i läkemedelföretagens patent är sensationellt nog i den frågan.


China's Secret Metal

China's Secret Metal
I sometimes refer to palladium as "China's secret metal"
because Chinese consumption of this rare metal has soared
in recent years.

Venezuela claims US embargo

Venezuela claims US embargo
Brazil has supported claims by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez that the USA is blocking the sale of Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano counter-insurgency aircraft to the Venezuelan air force, writes Graham Warwick.

Teheran to the United Nations Security Council for pursuing a civilian nuclear energy programme in defiance of Washington's diktats

Teheran to the United Nations Security Council for pursuing a civilian nuclear energy programme in defiance of Washington's diktats
IN THE next few weeks, the Manmohan Singh Government will face its second major test on the Iranian nuclear front. For the United States and its European allies appear determined to refer Teheran to the United Nations Security Council for pursuing a civilian nuclear energy programme in defiance of Washington's diktats. The provocation for the latest western hysteria is Iran's decision to conduct research experiments on uranium conversion and other aspects of the civilian nuclear fuel cycle. These experiments are taking place in facilities that are fully safeguarded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Moreover, these activities are in no way prohibited under either the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) or Iran's Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, published by the Agency as Infcirc 214.

Article 4 of Infcirc 214 states: "The safeguards provided for in this Agreement shall be implemented in a manner designed: (a) To avoid hampering the economic and technological development of Iran or international co-operation in the field of peaceful nuclear activities, including international exchange of nuclear material; (b) To avoid undue interference in Iran's peaceful nuclear activities, and in particular in the operation of facilities; ... "

The approaching war with Iran

The approaching war with Iran: Part I
In November 2000, Iraq stopped accepting U.S. dollars for its oil. Counted as a purely political move, Saddam Hussein switched the currency required to purchase Iraqi oil to the euro. Selling oil through the U.N. Oil for Food Program, Iraq converted all of its U.S. dollars in its U.N. account to the euro. Shortly thereafter, Iraq converted $10 billion in its U.N. reserve fund to the euro. By the end of 2000, Iraq had abandoned the U.S. dollar completely.

The countdown to war with Iran

The countdown to war with Iran

Media-Hype; Beating the War Drums, Again

The media has assumed its traditional role of fanning the flames for war by providing ample space for the spurious allegations of administration officials, right-wing pundits, and disgruntled Iranian exiles, while carefully omitting the relevant facts in Iran's defense.

Greenspan was once a close friend of gold

That gold has a sense of humor is beyond question. We hear it laughing every time Alan Greenspan opens his mouth. You'll recall that Mr. Greenspan was once a close friend of gold. The two were practically bosom buddies. Greenspan wrote that gold was indispensable to an honest money system. Of course, that was before he came to head up the largest and most cocksure central bank in history. Since then, he's hardly had time for his old pal. He has new friends in very high places.

Åldringsvården är ett medialt apspel

Åldringsvården är ett medialt apspel
Jan Myrdal: EU hindrar en vettig vård av våra gamla

Ge mig ett svartjobb!

Ge mig ett svartjobb!
1. Arbetsgivare anställer inte äldre, det är för dyrt på grund avpensionsavsättningarna.
2. Mindre företag vågar inte nyanställa.
3. Jag anses som överkvalificerad.
4. Min erfarenhet och kunnande behövs inte.

Arbetslös och förnedrad

Arbetslös och förnedrad
Gräsroten är inte en pingpongboll som man kan slå fram och tillbaka ett par gånger strax före ett val och sedan lägga undan någonstans mörkt när de väl vunnit.

Ska skatten gå till militärplan?

Ska skatten gå till militärplan?
Frankrike betalar mest och svenska skattebetalare är näst största partner.....Frankrike har kärnvapen....

SvD: Regeringen storsatsar på nytt stridsflygplan

SvD: Regeringen storsatsar på nytt stridsflygplan
Idag beslutar regeringen att satsa 750 miljoner kronor på utvecklingen av ett nytt obemannat stridsflygplan. Men planet behövs inte, hävdar flera riksdagspartier, som också är kritiska till att regeringen fattar beslutet på egen hand.

Franska Kärnvapen på...

Tidskriften Analys


Förvisso är det högst troligt att om projektet blir framgångsrikt så kommer Frankrike att utrusta ett osynligt bombplan med kärnvapen. Men redan idag går det att bestycka JAS-planet och andra franska stridsplan med kärnvapen.

..bombplan med NATO?

Ny Teknik

Om vi nu har en lagstiftning som säger att vi inte får exportera vapen till länder som är i krig hur kan det det då pågå helt öppet....

Ovan tår att läsa om SAABs affär med US Army....

Obemannat svenskt sammmarbete med Frankrike
..bombplan med NATO?