
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Better paid, better armed, better connected - Taliban rise again

Declan Walsh in Ghazni
Saturday September 16, 2006
The Guardian

Reedi Gul is probably dead now. Two weeks ago masked gunmen abducted the 24-year-old on a lonely mountain road in central Afghanistan. The next day his father, Saleh Gul, received a phone call, and realised he was the real target.

'I am an Afghan Muslim Talib,' the voice announced. 'If you want to see your son alive, listen carefully.'

Three weeks earlier Saleh Gul had been appointed governor of an insurgent-infested district in Ghazni province. The Taliban demanded he quit his job, pay a ransom, attack US forces and assassinate local officials.

Mr Gul paid $2,000 and resigned his position, but refused to kill. 'I am not a terrorist,' he barked down the phone. So the Taliban added an impossible demand: the freedom of an imprisoned commander."

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