ZNet Venezuela | Hugo Chavez
"You'd think George Bush would get down on his knees and kiss Hugo Chavez's behind."
Greider – din fåfänga gör dig feg
"Den folkliga litteraturens fanbärare är ofta hycklande falska och överpösigt jättetrötta.
De svingar sina falska spön i arbetarklassens namn.
De borde avgå.
Men de bevakar sitt territorium med en gränspolis noggrannhet.
De låtsas indignerade och anfaller lite halvmätt från vänster."
"Den folkliga litteraturens fanbärare är ofta hycklande falska och överpösigt jättetrötta.
De svingar sina falska spön i arbetarklassens namn.
De borde avgå.
Men de bevakar sitt territorium med en gränspolis noggrannhet.
De låtsas indignerade och anfaller lite halvmätt från vänster."
Havana’s medics work around the world: Cuba exports health
"Havana’s medics work around the world: Cuba exports health Print E-mail
By Hernando Calvo Ospina - www.mondediplo.com
Thursday, 24 August 2006
Some 14,000 Cuban doctors now give free treatment to Venezuela's poor and 3,000 Cuban medical staff worked in the aftermath of last year's Kashmir earthquake. Cuba has plans to heal those poorer than itself.
When Hurricane Katrina ripped through the southern United States in August 2005, the authorities were overwhelmed and the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, appealed to the international community for emergency medical aid. The Cuban government immediately offered assistance to New Orleans and to the states of Mississippi and Alabama, also affected by the storm, and promised that within 48 hours 1,600 doctors, trained to deal with such catastrophes, would arrive with all the necessary equipment plus 36 tonnes of medical supplies. This offer, and another made directly to President George Bush, went unanswered. In the catastrophe at least 1,800 people, most of them poor, died for lack of aid and treatment."
By Hernando Calvo Ospina - www.mondediplo.com
Thursday, 24 August 2006
Some 14,000 Cuban doctors now give free treatment to Venezuela's poor and 3,000 Cuban medical staff worked in the aftermath of last year's Kashmir earthquake. Cuba has plans to heal those poorer than itself.
When Hurricane Katrina ripped through the southern United States in August 2005, the authorities were overwhelmed and the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, appealed to the international community for emergency medical aid. The Cuban government immediately offered assistance to New Orleans and to the states of Mississippi and Alabama, also affected by the storm, and promised that within 48 hours 1,600 doctors, trained to deal with such catastrophes, would arrive with all the necessary equipment plus 36 tonnes of medical supplies. This offer, and another made directly to President George Bush, went unanswered. In the catastrophe at least 1,800 people, most of them poor, died for lack of aid and treatment."
Hands Off Venezuela
Blowing up people in Venezuela....what is going on?
What would the reaction be if we produced a game where we invade The United States of Love and kill Americans?
Hands Off Venezuela!!
"E3 2006: Build Update -- World in Flames
We gleefully blow up an oil platform off the Venezuelan coast.
by Jeff Haynes
May 11, 2006 - We made a stop by the Pandemic booth to check up on any updated changes to Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and the improvements were rather dramatic. For one, the entire demo that we saw just a few weeks ago had been completely ripped apart and rebuilt, which we were told was possible thanks to the component system of the engine."
What would the reaction be if we produced a game where we invade The United States of Love and kill Americans?
Hands Off Venezuela!!
"E3 2006: Build Update -- World in Flames
We gleefully blow up an oil platform off the Venezuelan coast.
by Jeff Haynes
May 11, 2006 - We made a stop by the Pandemic booth to check up on any updated changes to Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and the improvements were rather dramatic. For one, the entire demo that we saw just a few weeks ago had been completely ripped apart and rebuilt, which we were told was possible thanks to the component system of the engine."
Net's Vulnerability Exposed
"October 28, 2002 (Computerworld) -- Last week's assault on the Internet's core addressing system may not have caused much real damage, but it highlights the Internet's vulnerability to more sophisticated cyberattacks in the future, security analysts warned.
All 13 of the Internet's root Domain Name System servers—three of which are located outside the U.S.—were victims of a massive distributed denial-of-service attack on Oct. 21.
'It was the single most elaborate and focused attack on the DNS network that we have ever seen,' said Tom Ohlsson, vice president of Matrix NetSystems Inc., an Austin, Texas-based Internet performance monitoring company.
The attack appears to have been an attempt to disrupt the Internet by clogging root DNS servers with useless traffic. The root DNS servers provide the vital translation services needed for converting a Web name such as www.computerworld.com into a corresponding numerical IP address. "
"October 28, 2002 (Computerworld) -- Last week's assault on the Internet's core addressing system may not have caused much real damage, but it highlights the Internet's vulnerability to more sophisticated cyberattacks in the future, security analysts warned.
All 13 of the Internet's root Domain Name System servers—three of which are located outside the U.S.—were victims of a massive distributed denial-of-service attack on Oct. 21.
'It was the single most elaborate and focused attack on the DNS network that we have ever seen,' said Tom Ohlsson, vice president of Matrix NetSystems Inc., an Austin, Texas-based Internet performance monitoring company.
The attack appears to have been an attempt to disrupt the Internet by clogging root DNS servers with useless traffic. The root DNS servers provide the vital translation services needed for converting a Web name such as www.computerworld.com into a corresponding numerical IP address. "
Local content Filtering Procedure
"Local content Filtering Procedure
All incoming Web traffic to the Kingdom passes through a proxy farm system implementing a content filtering software. A list of addresses for banned sites is maintained by this filtering system. This list is updated daily based on the content filtering policy."
All incoming Web traffic to the Kingdom passes through a proxy farm system implementing a content filtering software. A list of addresses for banned sites is maintained by this filtering system. This list is updated daily based on the content filtering policy."
Mumbai police gag hinduunity.org
"Mumbai police gag hinduunity.org
Priya Ganapati in Mumbai | May 26, 2004 18:21 IST
Last Updated: May 27, 2004 18:53 IST
Key Internet service providers, including Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited, India's largest ISP with more than 800,000 subscribers, have blocked access to a web site, www.hinduunity.org
The web site is run by a Hindu activist from the US, Rohit Vyasmaan, and logs about 17,000 hits a day.
The site has been blocked on the basis of a request from the Mumbai police commissioner's office in a letter sent out to ISPs on April 28.
Sources at the Mumbai police commissioner's office said the directive was issued because the web site published inflammatory material against Islam. Joint Commissioner of Police (crime) Dr Satyapal Singh, a decorated officer of the Indian Police Service, authorised the note."
Priya Ganapati in Mumbai | May 26, 2004 18:21 IST
Last Updated: May 27, 2004 18:53 IST
Key Internet service providers, including Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited, India's largest ISP with more than 800,000 subscribers, have blocked access to a web site, www.hinduunity.org
The web site is run by a Hindu activist from the US, Rohit Vyasmaan, and logs about 17,000 hits a day.
The site has been blocked on the basis of a request from the Mumbai police commissioner's office in a letter sent out to ISPs on April 28.
Sources at the Mumbai police commissioner's office said the directive was issued because the web site published inflammatory material against Islam. Joint Commissioner of Police (crime) Dr Satyapal Singh, a decorated officer of the Indian Police Service, authorised the note."
svt.se - Nyheter
"Talibansk gerilla har erövrat den Nato-ledda Isaf-styrkans högkvarter i ett distrikt i provinsen Farah i västra Afghanistan, uppger BBC."
Gulf Times – Qatar - Afghan governor dies in suicide bomb attack
"KANDAHAR: Nato and Afghan troops killed 94 Taliban rebels in a major insurgent stronghold in southern Afghanistan while a respected provincial governor died in a suicide blast yesterday, officials said. The violence underscored the precarious situation in Afghanistan on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks - the atrocity that prompted the toppling of the fundamentalist Taliban."
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Better paid, better armed, better connected - Taliban rise again
Declan Walsh in Ghazni
Saturday September 16, 2006
The Guardian
Reedi Gul is probably dead now. Two weeks ago masked gunmen abducted the 24-year-old on a lonely mountain road in central Afghanistan. The next day his father, Saleh Gul, received a phone call, and realised he was the real target.
'I am an Afghan Muslim Talib,' the voice announced. 'If you want to see your son alive, listen carefully.'
Three weeks earlier Saleh Gul had been appointed governor of an insurgent-infested district in Ghazni province. The Taliban demanded he quit his job, pay a ransom, attack US forces and assassinate local officials.
Mr Gul paid $2,000 and resigned his position, but refused to kill. 'I am not a terrorist,' he barked down the phone. So the Taliban added an impossible demand: the freedom of an imprisoned commander."
Saturday September 16, 2006
The Guardian
Reedi Gul is probably dead now. Two weeks ago masked gunmen abducted the 24-year-old on a lonely mountain road in central Afghanistan. The next day his father, Saleh Gul, received a phone call, and realised he was the real target.
'I am an Afghan Muslim Talib,' the voice announced. 'If you want to see your son alive, listen carefully.'
Three weeks earlier Saleh Gul had been appointed governor of an insurgent-infested district in Ghazni province. The Taliban demanded he quit his job, pay a ransom, attack US forces and assassinate local officials.
Mr Gul paid $2,000 and resigned his position, but refused to kill. 'I am not a terrorist,' he barked down the phone. So the Taliban added an impossible demand: the freedom of an imprisoned commander."
Så blev vi alla borgare
"Att rösta mot en borgerlig regering handlar om att bryta en trend av förborgerligande av oss alla. Det är ett rent självförsvar."
Johan Ehrenberg
Johan Ehrenberg
Vem ska då utmana Makten?
"En Fredrik Reinfeldt vid makten innebär att den marknadsmakt som redan i dag är den makt som verkligen uppreser sig mot vanligt folk, så att säga dubbleras. Den förstärks. Två eliter, den ekonomiska och den nya politiska, flyter åter samman."
Amnesty International Campaign
"Database of censored material
Amnesty International is working with the OpenNet Initiative (ONI) to help raise awareness of internet censorship around the world."
"Database of censored material
Amnesty International is working with the OpenNet Initiative (ONI) to help raise awareness of internet censorship around the world."
En utrikespolitik utan ansvar
"Den nya fråga som då infinner sig är hur EU bestämmer sin utrikespolitik - på detta område och andra - och det korta svaret på den frågan är att det vet vi inte och får heller inget veta. De överläggningar på regeringschefsnivå mellan EU:s medlemsländer där argument formuleras, positioner möts, makt utövas och beslut fattas, äger rum bakom stängda dörrar. Vi vet kort sagt inte vilket lands regeringschef som argumenterat för vad och varför, inte heller vilka påtryckningar som utövats av vem mot vem, inte heller vilken roll USA spelat i sammanhanget och naturligtvis inte heller i vad mån Sveriges regeringschef Göran Persson försökt påverka beslutet - och i så fall hur. "
Göran Rosenborg
Göran Rosenborg
Socialdemokraterna polisanmäler Folkpartiet för dataintrång
Sveriges Watergate!!??
"Med hjälp av IT-säkerhetsföretaget Sentor har Socialdemokraterna upptäckt ett stort antal otillåtna inloggningar på partiets interna nätverk. IP-adresser har spårats till Folkpartiet, det uppger Dagens Industri."
"Med hjälp av IT-säkerhetsföretaget Sentor har Socialdemokraterna upptäckt ett stort antal otillåtna inloggningar på partiets interna nätverk. IP-adresser har spårats till Folkpartiet, det uppger Dagens Industri."
Dismembering the body politic in Iraq
"The US is seen as the main instigator of sectarian sentiments, creating the right environment for the division of Iraq into sectarian and ethnic states unable to function without US protection."
Aljazeera.Net - Iraq wants more control over security
"Mohammed al-Askari, spokesman for Iraq's defence ministry, said the government would take its time until an agreement was reached.
'We need more time regarding these discussions. There are some articles that need more discussions with the Americans. We don't want to be rushed into making these decisions. Our points of view are not identical.'"
'We need more time regarding these discussions. There are some articles that need more discussions with the Americans. We don't want to be rushed into making these decisions. Our points of view are not identical.'"
Iran backs UN Lebanon truce
"Annan said Ahmadinejad had agreed in the talks in Tehran that Iran, which backs the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, would do everything to support the territorial integrity and independence of Lebanon.
'Tehran will work together with us in a collective effort to reconstruct Lebanon,' he said.
State radio quoted Ahmadinejad as saying that Israel and its allies Britain and the US should compensate Lebanon for the 'damages inflicted'."
'Tehran will work together with us in a collective effort to reconstruct Lebanon,' he said.
State radio quoted Ahmadinejad as saying that Israel and its allies Britain and the US should compensate Lebanon for the 'damages inflicted'."
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