
Open letter to the World Bank regarding recent statement on Haiti

August 30, 2005

Paul Wolfowitz, President
The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433

Dear Mr. Wolfowitz,

We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, write in response to the World Bank's recent statement on Haiti.

On July 27, the World Bank posted on its web site an article titled "Haiti: One Year Later"[1] that grossly misrepresents the current reality in Haiti.

To lead readers to the article, the World Bank posted a banner headline at the top of its home page reading: "Haiti's Recovery, A Year of Progress" and the teaser: "New schools, roads, and jobs are among the achievements of the Interim Cooperation Framework, Haiti's economic, social and political recovery program." This is an inexcusable whitewash of the terrible nightmare that most Haitians have suffered through since their democratically elected government was overthrown on February 29, 2004.

Haiti's economic situation remains dire. The country's GDP declined by 3.8% during the last fiscal year, which ended September 2004, and there is little evidence to suggest that there has been substantial improvement since then. The past year has been one of sharp decline in living standards for the vast majority of Haitians. The Haitian people have had to endure arbitrary, politically motivated detentions by the state, police violence including extra judicial killings (particularly directed towards residents of Haiti's slums), and a sharp increase in kidnappings, rapes, and murders. Under the interim government of Haiti human rights conditions have deteriorated so dramatically that United Nations Undersecretary-General for Peacekeeping Jean-Marie Guehenno stated at the end of June that "Haitians in Cap Haitien …are in [a] worse situation than some of the IDPs [Internally Displaced Persons] I saw in Darfur."[2]

The Bank touts "recruiting 2,300 new police officers" as one of Haiti's achievements since the coup. It is well known that former members of death squads and of the military, which was disbanded by Aristide in a widely popular move, have been reincorporated into the police. According to the Catholic Institute for International Relations, many members of the Haitian National Police (HNP) have "links to the previous military or have been involved in drug rackets, kidnappings, extrajudicial killings or other illegal activities."[3] Since the incorporation of former military personnel in its ranks the HNP has been accused of numerous human rights abuses from a variety of sources including: the Bureau of International Lawyers, the Center for the Study of Human Rights at the University of Miami School of Law, the Harvard University Law School Advocates for Human Rights, and Amnesty International.

An investigation of human rights in Haiti published in January 2005 by the University of Miami Law School Center for the Study of Human Rights found Cité Soleil and Bel Air (two of Haiti's largest slums) to be under siege by the HNP and UN forces. The report found that UN forces and Haitian police enter these neighborhoods, which are filled with supporters of the elected former government and the Famni Lavalas political party, and mount violent attacks that routinely kill residents. The report also described numerous attacks on unarmed demonstrators and residents of these neighborhoods by the Haitian police including the shooting of unarmed demonstrators in downtown Port-au-Prince on September 30, 2004[4].

Cases of summary executions of unarmed civilians have also surfaced. Haitian police are accused of executing 12 young men on October 25, 2004 in Fort National and 5 men on October 27, 2004 in broad daylight in Delmas.[5] Judy Dacruz, an independent human rights lawyer, has documented eyewitness accounts of summary executions of at least 32 unarmed people by the police between October 2004 and February 2005.[6]

The security situation is not improving, due in part to collaboration between UN and police - in fact, the situation has been made worse. A July 6, 2005 raid in Cité Soleil left at least 23 people dead (including women and children). According to residents who witnessed the raid, UN troops were the chief perpetrators of the violence.[7] Although the UN initially denied reports of unarmed civilian deaths, it later admitted to this possibility and announced an investigation.

Currently hundreds of political prisoners are being detained throughout Haiti.[8] Haiti's two most high profile political prisoners are former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune and more recently Father Gerard Jean-Juste, a popular Catholic priest. In both cases these men were arrested for crimes despite an apparent lack of evidence of their involvement. Yvon Neptune was charged with allegedly orchestrating a massacre of anti-Aristide protestors, which to date the government has not been able to prove actually occurred. Father Jean-Juste, who has been an outspoken supporter of former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide and a critic of the present government, was illegally arrested without a warrant on July 21, 2005 for supposedly murdering a journalist whose death occurred while Jean-Juste was himself abroad.[9] Amnesty International has declared Jean-Juste to be a prisoner of conscience and has raised a "health" and "legal concern" over Neptune, urging the interim government to "abide by its own constitution" and grant Neptune a fair trial.[10] The UN Special Envoy to Haiti, Juan Gabriel Valdes, has also called for Neptune's release.[11]

The World Bank reports that Haiti's interim government is "launching an ambitious electoral registration process." The Bank's claims were at odds with the findings of a report the International Crisis Group issued the next day, which found that only one-fifth of eligible voters - some 870,000 people - had been registered by July 29, none had yet received their new national identity cards required for voting, and only 327 registration centers were open.

Because of deficiencies in the electoral process and the violent repression of many of its members and supporters, Haiti's largest political party, Fanmi Lavalas, is boycotting the proposed elections. But the Bank gives only the unelected government's view of the situation.

The Bank also misrepresents the economic situation in the country, painting of picture of economic progress since last year's coup. The article cites the creation of "tens of thousands of jobs." But since the labor force has been growing by 60,000- 80,000 people per year, it is not clear that the jobs cited have even been enough to keep Haiti's massive unemployment rate from growing (some two-thirds of the population do not have formal employment).[12]

The World Bank's whitewash of Haiti's dire situation is especially troubling in light of the Bank's own role in helping to topple Haiti's democratically elected government by "suspending aid, under vague 'instructions' from the US," according to Columbia University's Jeffrey Sachs, special adviser to the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan.[13]

We call upon the World Bank to cease taking sides in Haiti's civil conflict, and to conduct an independent investigation into its own role in helping to destabilize the prior elected, constitutional government.

[Please direct response to Tom Ricker, Quixote Center, PO Box 5206, Hyattsville, MD 20782, or tomr@quixote.org]


Haiti Reborn/Quixote Center
Tom Ricker, Co-Director

TransAfrica Forum
Bill Fletcher, President

Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA)
Olivia Burlingame-Goumbri, Director

The Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights

General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
James Winkler, General Secretary

United Church of Christ Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility
Rev. Douglas B. Hunt, Director, International Programs

Hospital Employees' Union (Canada)
Fred Muzin, President

Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti
Brian Concannon Jr., Esq., Director
Haiti Action Committee
Charlie Hinton

Center for the Study of the Americas (CENSA)
Peter Rosset

Fondasyon Mapou
Eugenia Charles, Executive Director

Global Exchange
Kirsten Moller, Executive Director

Friends of the Earth, Honduras
Ambika Chawla

Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas
Dale Sorensen, Director

Global Justice Ecology Project
Orin Langelle , Co-director

Office of the Americas
Blase Bonpane, Ph.D., Director

Peter and Gail Mott, Co-Editors

Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA
Director, Patricia Davis

L.A. Weekly
Doug Ireland

Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala
Andrew de Sousa, National Organizer

Nicaragua Center for Community Action
Diana Bohn , Co-coordinator

Nicaragua Network
Chuck Kaufman, National Co-Coordinator

Safe Earth Alliance
Dr. D.K. and F. L. Cinquemani - Largo, FL

Dominican Sisters of Mission, San Jose, CA
Stella Goodpasture, OP, Justice Promoter

Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
Marion Irvine, OP, Promoter of Social Justice

Central NJ Coalition for Peace and Justice
Robert Moir, Steering Committee Member

Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights
Dennis Dixon

No. Colorado Justice for Cuba Group
Elaine Schmidt

Portland Peaceful Response Coalition
William Seaman

San Francisco Bay Area Debt Cancellation Coalition

Thomasville Student Peace Organization
Elias George Mathes

Individuals (alphabetical)

Peter Ackerman
Peace & Social Justice Clerk
Ft. Lauderdale Friends (Quakers)*

Michael Albert

Ed Allen
Associate Professor of English, University of South Dakota*

Badrul Alam, President
Bangladesh Krishok Federation*

Julio Soto Angurel

Roger Annis - Haiti Solidarity BC

Dean Baker, Co-Director
Center for Economic and Policy Research*

Natylie Baldwin
Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center*

Nancy Bennett - Santa Fe, New Mexico

Ellen Boldon -Auburn, ME

Gary Bono

Martha Bushnell, Ph.D. - Boulder, CO

Noam Chomsky, Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology*

Truman C. Dean

Raymond Dubuisson
Co-coordinator, Comité des Haïtiens de l'outaouais pour la reconstruction d'Haïti (CHORHA)* Ottawa, CANADA

Kostas Diakolambrianos - Greece

Rev. Derek V. Dudek, D.D.

Rosemary Everett, SNJM- Cupertino, CA

Paul Farmer, M.D.
Partners In Health*

Ebrahim Gassab
General Secretary of Banker's Union - Kingdom of Bahrain

Harold Geddings, III
University of South Carolina-Upstate*

Sarah Haywood - Toronto, Ontario

Ken Heard
Political Affairs Officer
Philadelphia National Writers Union*

Devin Hoff - Oakland, CA

Nadia Hyppolite

Felix Ibarra

Connie Jenkins
Pax Christi Maine*

Alejandra Juarez, Student
CSU Stanislaus

Paul S. Kaczocha

Philip Kaisary
Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies Warwick University* - UK

Rob Keithan
Director, Washington Office for Advocacy
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations*

Ira Kurzban, Attorney
Kurzban, Kurzban, Weinger & Tetzeli, P.A.*

Marilyn Langlois
Haiti Action Committee (signed as organization above)*

Robert Levee - Kennesaw, GA

Liam Long - Lansing, MI

Erwin Marquit
Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota*

Jackie Mauro
International High School*

Don Matsuda

Lizbeth McDermott - LeClaire, IA

Edmund McWilliams (Senior Foreign Service, ret.) - Falls Church, VA

Mary E. Meehan - Boston, MA

Bridget Miller

Keith A Miller, CPhT

Henry Millstein - Novato, CA

Stuart Neatby
Haiti Action Committee, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Brian O'Connor - North Bay, Ontario

Paul Pallazola - Gloucester, MA

Kate Patterson - Brooklyn, NY

George Ann Potter - Bolivia

William Przylucki - Boston College '07

Suzanne Radford, Alexander Balfour, Erik & Victoria Grunewald, Dr. Theo Eridanos
Gnostic Communications*

Joan Rae - Fayston, VT

Wey Robinson -Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Jillian Rouleau - Mesa, AZ

John Sanchez

Rachel Satterlee - Minneapolis, MN

Mark Schafer - Cambridge, MA

Emile Schepers - Great Falls, VA

Charles Scurich - Oakland, CA

Paul Sipple - Fayston, VT

Thomas Skayhan - DeFuniak Springs

Ursula Slavick - Portland, ME

William Slavick - Portland, ME

Anne Sosin
Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti

Courtney Szper - Portland, OR

Esequiel Armijo Vargas, UCSB student, CA

Marc Arthur Voorhees, Jr

Jessica Watson-Crosby - New York, NY

Phil Webb

William Webb, CEO
WorldWideTrade Corporation*

Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director
Center for Economic and Policy Research*

Paul Whetstone, Attorney

Tom Whitney, South Paris
Maine Haiti Solidarity*

Jeremiah Wishon

Greg Wolfe

John Woodford, Journalist

Lisa Wright - Chico, CA

*Indicates organization appears for purposes of identification only.


[1]Found at http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20594578~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:4607,00.html
[2] Heinlein, Peter. "UN Peacekeeping Chief: Haiti Worse than Darfur." Voice of America. June 28, 2005 Url: http://www.voanews.com/english/2005-06-28-voa63.cfm
[3] Catholic Institute for International Relations. "Haiti: free and fair elections unlikely as security worsens." August 2, 2005. [http://www.ciir.org/Templates/Internal.asp?NodeID=91967]
[4] Griffin, Thomas. "Haiti: Human Rights Investigation, November 11 - 21, 2004" Center for the Study of Human Rights, University of Miami School of Law, 2005, pg. 9.
[5] Ibid, pg. 10.
[6] Lindsay, Reed. "Among Haitians, Police Are Seen As a Deadly Force." Boston Globe, February 27, 2005, Pg A15.
[7] Buncombe, Andrew. "Peacekeepers accused after killings in Haiti," 29 July 2005. See also Haiti Information Project, "UN 'peacekeepers' in Haiti accused of massacre," July 13, 2005. [http://www.haitiaction.net/News/HIP/7_13_5/7_13_5.html]
[8] Griffin, Thomas. "Haiti: Human Rights Investigation, November 11 - 21, 2004" Center for the Study of Human Rights, University of Miami School of Law, 2005, pg. 12.
[9] Amnesty International. "Haiti: Arbitrary arrest/prisoner of conscience: Gérard Jean-Juste (m), aged 59, Catholic priest." July 25, 2005 [http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR360082005?open&of=ENG-HTI].
[10] Amnesty International. "Haiti: Arbitrary arrest/prisoner of conscience: Gérard Jean-Juste (m), aged 59, Catholic priest." July 25, 2005; Amnesty International. "Haiti: Health concern/legal concern, Yvon Neptune." May 6, 2005. [http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR360042005?open&of=ENG-HTI]
[11] Delva, Joseph Guyler. "U.N. envoy in Haiti wants jailed ex-PM released." Reuters. June 24, 2005.
[12] Data from CIA World Factbook, http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/fields/2129.html
[13] Sachs, Jeffrey. "The Fire This Time in Haiti was US-Fueled" in Taipei Times, March 1, 2004

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JH sa...

Haiti Information Project (HIP) and Kevin Pina honored with Project Censored award.

(HIP story among Top 25 Censored Stories of 2008 recognized by Project Censored): http://www.projectcensored.org

# 12 Another Massacre in Haiti by UN Troops
HaitiAction.net, January 21, 2007
Title: “UN in Haiti: Accused of Second Massacre”
Authors: Haiti Information Project

Inter Press Service
Title: “Haiti: Poor Residents of Capital Describe a State of Siege”
Authors: Wadner Pierre and Jeb Sprague

Student Researcher: William Leeming
Faculty Evaluator: Dianne Parness

Eyewitness testimony confirms indiscriminate killings by UN forces in Haiti’s Cité Soleil community on December 22, 2006, reportedly as collective punishment against the community for a massive demonstration of Lavalas supporters in which about ten thousand people rallied for the return of President Aristide in clear condemnation of the foreign military occupation of their country. According to residents, UN forces attacked their neighborhood in the early morning, killing more than thirty people, including women and children. Footage taken by Haiti Information Project (HIP) videographers shows unarmed civilians dying as they tell of extensive gunfire from UN peacekeeping forces (MINUSTAH).

A hardened UN strategy became apparent days after the demonstration, when UN officials stated they were entering Cité Soleil to capture or kill gangsters and kidnappers. While officials of MINUSTAH have admitted to “collateral damage,” in the raids of December 2006, they say they are there to fight gangsters at the request of the René Préval government.

But many residents and local human rights activists say that scores of people having no involvement with gangs were killed, wounded, and arrested in the raids.

Although MINUSTAH denied firing from helicopter gunships, HIP captured more than three hours of video footage and a large selection of digital photos, illustrating the UN’s behavior in Haiti.

An unidentified twenty-eight-year-old man, filmed by HIP, can be seen dying as he testifies that he was shot from a circling UN helicopter that rained gunfire on those below. HIP film also shows a sixteen-year-old, dying just after being shot by UN forces. Before dying he describes details of the UN opening fire on unarmed civilians in his neighborhood. The wounded and dying, filmed by HIP, all express horror and confusion.

IPS observed that buildings throughout Cité Soleil were pockmarked by bullets; many showing huge holes made by heavy caliber UN weapons, as residents attest. Often pipes that brought in water to the slum community now lay shattered.

A recently declassified document from the US embassy in Port-au-Prince reveals that during a similar operation carried out in July 2005, MINUSTAH expended 22,000 bullets over several hours. In the report, an official from MINUSTAH acknowledged, “given the flimsy construction of homes in Cité Soleil and the large quantity of ammunition expended, it is likely that rounds penetrated many buildings, striking unintended targets.”

Frantz Michel Guerrier, spokesman for the Committee of Notables for the Development of Cité Soleil based in the Bois Neuf zone, said, “It is very difficult for me to explain to you what the people of Bois Neuf went through on Dec. 22, 2006—almost unexplainable. It was a true massacre. We counted more than sixty wounded and more than twenty-five dead, among [them] infants, children, and young people.”

“We saw helicopters shoot at us, our houses broken by the tanks,” Guerrier told IPS. “We heard detonations of the heavy weapons. Many of the dead and wounded were found inside their houses. I must tell you that nobody had been saved, not even the babies. The Red Cross was not allowed to help people. The soldiers had refused to let the Red Cross in categorically, in violation of the Geneva Convention.” Several residents told IPS that MINUSTAH, after conducting its operations, evacuated without checking for wounded.

Following the removal of Haiti’s elected Jean-Bertrand Aristide government (see Censored 2005, story #12), up to one thousand Lavalas political activists were imprisoned under the US-backed interim government, according to a Miami University Human Rights study.

A study released by the Lancet Journal of Medicine in August 2006 estimates that 8,000 were killed and 35,000 sexually assaulted in the greater Port-au-Prince area during the time of the interim government (2004-2006). The study attributed human rights abuses to purported “criminals,” police, anti-Lavalas gangs, and UN peacekeepers.

HIP Founding Editor Kevin Pina commented, “It is clear that this represents an act of terror against the community. This video evidence shows clearly that the UN stands accused, once again, of targeting unarmed civilians in Cité Soleil. There can be no justification for using this level of force in the close quarters of those neighborhoods. It is clear that the UN views the killing of these innocents as somehow acceptable to their goal of pacifying this community. Every demonstration, no matter how peaceful, is seen as a threat to their control if it includes demands for the return of Aristide to Haiti. In that context it is difficult to continue to view the UN mission as an independent and neutral force in Haiti. They apparently decided sometime ago it was acceptable to use military force to alter Haiti’s political landscape to match their strategic goals for the Haitian people.”

Update by Kevin Pina

Since President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his Lavalas political party were ousted from power on February 29, 2004, accusations of gross human rights violations have persisted in Haiti. While the Haitian National Police (HNP) received training and assistance from the UN following Aristide’s ouster, they were also accused of summary executions, arbitrary arrests, and the killing of unarmed demonstrators. The actions of the Haitian police became so egregious that even UN police trainers (CIVPOL) began to question the motives of their commanders and the mission’s objectives. The Haiti Information Project (HIP) received the following correspondence in response to a May 8, 2005 article “UN accommodates Human Rights Abuses by police in Haiti.”1 This is the first publication of that correspondence:

"Just want to reinforce your observations as all being accurate.

I am one of the 25 US CIVPOL here on the ground in Haiti, having arrived last November. As a group we are frustrated by the UN’s and CIVPOL’s unwillingness to interpret their mandate aggressively. I have been pushing them to conduct investigations into all the shootings and other significant Human Rights violations with no success. The Police Commissioner and command staff shows little interest and claim the mandate does not allow them to do this. Unfortunately I have countless examples.

The corruption in the HNP is massive with little interest in addressing the problem. Just keep up the pressure, I don’t know what else to do."

Stephen MacKinnon
Chief, Strategic Planning Unit

Chief MacKinnon provided HIP with information and documents that painted a disturbing picture of a UN operation more obsessed with political embarrassment caused by mounting demonstrations for Aristide’s return than interest in reigning in human rights abuses committed by the HNP.2

The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) now stands accused of having itself committed several massacres in the seaside shantytown of Cité Soleil. This area of the capital served as a launching site for massive demonstrations demanding the return of President Aristide and for an end to what they called the foreign occupation of their country.
The Brazilian military has responsibility for leadership of the UN military forces in Haiti and is authorized to use deadly force. They are at the top of the command structure and their influence on the overall mission should not be understated. More importantly, there is a direct parallel between Brazilian military tactics utilized by UN forces in Haiti and similar military-style assaults used by the police in their own country.

The Brazilian military police have been accused of firing indiscriminately in the poor slums of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro called favelas. This was highlighted in an Amnesty International report “Brazil: ‘They come in Shooting’: Policing socially excluded communities,” released on December 2, 2005.3
This is similar to the tactics authorized by the Brazilian generals in Haiti. It has resulted in several high-profile massacres committed in the poor slum of Cité Soleil where protestors challenged the UN’s authority by continuing to launch massive demonstrations demanding Aristide’s return and condemning the UN’s presence in Haiti. In each instance, the UN and the elite-run Haitian press demonized the entire community as being criminals and gangsters and/or collaborators of criminals and gangsters. While it is true that armed “gangs” operated in the neighborhood and a few claimed they were aligned with Aristide’s Lavalas movement, these military raids had a clear correlation to the ongoing demonstrations and opposition to the UN presence in Haiti.

Cité Soleil was terrorized on July 6, 2005 when Brazilian commanders authorized a raid by UN forces with the stated aim of routing gangs in the area.4 For Aristide supporters, the raid was a preemptive strike by the UN to dampen the impact of protests on Aristide’s birthday, planned to take place only nine days later on July 15. It also represented the first time UN forces purposely sought to assassinate the leadership of armed groups claiming allegiance to Aristide’s Lavalas movement.5 By the time UN guns stopped firing, countless unarmed civilians lay dead with many having been killed by a single high-powered rifle shot to the head. Since then, documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show the US Embassy and various intelligence agencies, were aware of the excessive use of force by UN forces in Haiti on July 6, 2005.6 Despite being heavily censored by US officials, what emerges is clear evidence of the disproportionate use of force by UN troops in Cité Soleil.

December 16, 2006 saw another large demonstration for Aristide that began in Cite Soleil and only six days later on December 22, Brazilian commanders would authorize a second deadly raid that residents and human rights groups say resulted in the wholesale slaughter of innocent victims. The unspoken parallel of Brazil’s role in leading the UN’s military strategy in Haiti is the fact that terror tactics such as these have been their modus operandi in their own country.

In the early morning hours of Feb. 2, UN forces entered Cité Soleil firing indiscriminately and their victims were two young girls killed as they slept in their own home.7 Massive demonstrations were scheduled to take place five days later demanding the return of Aristide throughout Haiti on Feb. 7. While these demonstrations went largely unreported by the international corporate media, this stood in contrast, to the avalanche of news stories filed two days later on Feb. 9, when UN forces launched yet another deadly military operation in Cité Soleil.8

Although these raids were ostensibly to rid the neighborhood of gangs, they followed the same pattern and relationship to demonstrations for Aristide’s return and military tactics used by Brazilian commanders in previous UN operations.
The only rights organizations documenting the loss of life and destruction of property resulting from the UN raid on December 22, 2006, as well as previous and subsequent UN military operations, were the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH) and the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI).9 HIP, the organization originally authoring the article being recognized by Project Censored, is a news agency that has extensive video evidence and interviews from Cité Soleil taken the same day these attacks by UN forces were executed. HIP offers any human rights organization the opportunity to view the documentary footage and evidence supporting the claims of Cité Soleil residents that massacres by UN forces have been committed against them. Unfortunately, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States have remained conspicuously disinterested and silent about this evidence.

For further information and updates about Haiti, please visit www.haitiaction.net, www.ijdh.org, www.HaitiInformationProject.net, www.haitianalysis.com, www.canadahaitiaction.ca, and www.ahphaiti.org.


1. Haiti Information Project,”UN accommodates Human Rights Abuses by police in Haiti,” May 8, 2005. See http://haitiaction.net/News/HIP/5_8_5/5_8_5.html.

2. Internet correspondence received from Steve McKinnon to HIP May 12, 2005.

3. Amnesty International Report, “Brazil: ‘They come in Shooting’: Policing socially excluded communities” December 2, 2005. See http://www.amnestyusa.org/document.php?lang=e &id=ENGAMR190252005

4. Haiti Information Project, “Evidence mounts of a UN massacre in Haiti,” July 12, 2005. See http://www.haitiaction.net/News/HIP/7_12_5.html.

5. Haiti Information Project,”The UN’s disconnect with the poor in Haiti,” December 25, 2005. See http://haitiaction.net/News/HIP/12_25_5/12_25a_5.html.

6. Haiti Information Project, “US Embassy in Haiti acknowledges excessive force by UN,” January 24, 2007. Article based on FOIA documents obtained by College of DuPage Geography Professor Keith Yearman. See http://haitiaction.net/News/HIP/1_23_7/1_23_7.html.

7. Haiti Information Project—February 2, 2007. UN terror kills Haiti’s children at night http://haitiaction.net/News/HIP/2_2_7a/2_2_7a.html.

8. Haiti Information Project, “Massive demonstrations in Haiti catch UN by surprise,” February 9, 2007. See http://haitiaction.net/News/HIP/2_9_7/2_9_7.html.

9. Haiti Information Project,”The UNspoken truth about gangs in Haiti,” February 15, 2007. See http://haitiaction.net/News/HIP/2_15_7/2_15_7.html.

10. Video images documenting UN military operations on July 6, 2005 and December 22, 2006 were taken by HIP videographer Jean-Baptiste Ristil.